Work update after a long hiatus!
Drifting Turbines(ShootEmUpGame) Preview
A game I coded with Unity for one of my University assignments. A simple shoot em up game themed on realistic and gradually turning into an alien powered airplane.
How it works:
I coded the airplanes aim to follow the mouse but with a delay to resemble air resistance much like an actual plane. It constantly moves forward like an airplane flying in the air guided by the mouse.
Enemies are made to spawn randomly within a certain X and Y of the boss enemy which will then also shoot randomly.
You may notice there's a huge red box outside the circle. That means out of combat zone or in this scenario I suppose alien conquered territory. Going there instantly kills you.
You may notice there's a huge red box outside the circle. That means out of combat zone or in this scenario I suppose alien conquered territory. Going there instantly kills you.
Skills and Hp bar:
You start off with just the Drift Mechanic which allows for a burst of speed and quicker turning speed.
Most skills and your hp have a radial bar around them which indicates if its usable(for skills) or your max HP.
The boss moves from left to right within a certain radius.
To make the boss unique, I coded it to shoot Big Rockets from its sides that damage on contact with the player when his hp reaches less than 60 percent.
You may also notice some green circles there. These are HP drops that only spawn from killing the minions.
However, they only spawn if the player currently has less than or equal to half HP.
How to Gain More Skills:
As you kill more enemies, you fill a counter that then unlocks your alienated skills.
Coded these using an int for the counter and used if statements to change the move sets.
Yes I know I could've also used bool but just int seemed cleaner at the time.
As seen from the Image above, there's 2 new skills:-
The Q button activates a barrier that absorbs 2 hits within 5 seconds. It disappears after 2 hits or after 5 seconds have passed without hits.
The WASD button goes without saying is movement yes, but what makes it special is that the player now has freedom to move the airplane compared to before when it could only move straight and the player has to maneuver with the mouse arrow.
Will update more on the codes used for the game later with a link to try it.
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